번호 제목 게재수준 게재일자

Electrospinning and wound healing activity of beta-chitin extracted from cuttlefish bone

SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2018-08-01
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2018-08-01

TGF-beta-mediated NADPH oxidase 4-dependent oxidative stress promotes colistin-induced acute kidney injury

SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2018-04-01
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2018-04-01

Injectable methylcellulose hydrogel containing silver oxide nanoparticles for burn wound healing

SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2018-02-01
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2018-02-01

NAD(P)H-quinoneoxidoreductase 1 silencing aggravateshormone-inducedprostatic hyperplasia in mice

SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2017-11-01
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2017-11-01

Protective Effects of Dendrobium nobile against Cisplatin Nephrotoxicity Both In-vitro and In-vivo

SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2017-02-01
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2017-02-01

NQO1 Deficiency Leads Enhanced Autophagy in Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury Through the AMPK/TSC2/mTOR Signaling Pathway

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2016-05-19
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2016-05-19

Hepatoprotective effects of polymethoxyflavones against acute and chronic carbon tetrachloride intoxication

SCI (Science Citation Index) 2016-05-01
SCI (Science Citation Index) 2016-05-01

Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hylander attenuates renal inflammation and interstitial fibrosis via regulation of TGF-beta and Smad3 expression on unilateral ureteral obstruction rat model

SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2016-04-01
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2016-04-01

NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase-1 silencing modulates cytoprotection related protein expression in cisplatin cytotoxicity

SCOPUS 2016-04-01
SCOPUS 2016-04-01

Antimicrobial Silver Chloride Nanoparticles Stabilized with Chitosan Oligomer for the Healing of Burns

SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2016-03-23
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2016-03-23