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세미나 및 강연회

(08-30 16:00) [BK21] Way of Counting Geometric Objects
(08-30 16:00) [BK21] Way of Counting Geometric Objects
작성자 과사무실
조회수 406 등록일 2021.08.25
일시 2021-08-30 (월) 16:00~17:00
연사 Jeongseok Oh(Imperial College Lundon, UK)
장소 온라인
[BK21 초청강연]

Zoom ID: 815 1485 9393


Counting curves or holomorphic vector bundles on a given" complex Kahler manifold has become popular in geometry due to its origin from physics. In spite of its popularity for a last few decades, it has not been clearly understood yet how counting IS defined even in some interesting cases. Meanwhile some pure topological ideas have been introduced and developed recently which may be helpful to understand it better. In the talk, I would like to explain these ideas from Fulton-MacPherson' s intersection theory.